Les ha sucedido alguna vez que extrañan tantas cosas y que la falta de eso marca su vida pues ese espacio vacio nada ni nadie lo ha llenado? Durante mi vida he atesorado tantos momentos especiales que han marcado mi vida y me hacen ser la persona que soy. Extraño esos años de adolescencia en donde todo era amor, romance y las amistades que tenia llenaban mi vida. Mas que todo extraño saber que se me extraña. No se si alguien alla lejos de mi piensa en mi y extraña mis locuras, reveldias, consejos, tonterias, niñerias, bromas, disgustos, argumentos y todo esto que soy yo. Ojala se me extrañe pue si se me extraña es porque alguien me quiso.
Has it ever happen to you that you miss so many things and the missing of this marks your life because that space is empty and nobody has fill it? During my life I have treasure many special moments that made my life different and made me be the person that I am now. I miss those teenager years when all was love, romance and my friends filled my life. More than everything I miss to know that I am being miss. I don't know if someone there far away things about me or misses my craziness, rebelliousness, advices, silliness, jokes, angers, arguments and all that I am. I hope I am missed because if I am being missed it is because someone cared about me.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mi vida es dura igual que la de todos los demas My life is hard as everyone else
Como todas las personas, creo que yo tuve una vida un tanto peculiar. Tuve muy buenos amigos y personas que me inspiraron y hasta la fecha no olvido. Parte de mi personalidad y creo que es nato en mi es el de tener una imaginacion muy grande y por lo mismo creo que esto de escribir se me hace facil. A lo largo de mi vida he conocido muchas personas quienes no son capaces de expresar sus sentimientos o sus pensamientos con nadie y de ninguna manera y eso yo lo concidero un poco raro pues para mi es algo natural que viene desde muy adentro. Han conocido personas asi? Bueno, por mi parte creo el expresarnos nos define como ser mas autenticos con los demas. A mi me gusta expresarme y asi compartir con los demas como soy. Asi que felicito a las personas que tienen este tipo de blogs pues al igual que yo quieren compartirse con los demas y exponerse al mundo.
As other people, I believe that I had a very peculiar life. I had very good friends and poeple who inspired me who to the date I don't forget. Part of my personality and I believe is natural in me is to have a very big imagination and this is the reason why I believe that writing is easy for me. Through my life I had meet many people who are not able to write and express their feelings or thoughts with anyone and in anyway and I consider it extrange because to me it is something that comes natural from within. Have you meet people like that? Well, I believe that express ourselves define us to be more authentic with others. I like to express myself and share with others how I am. So I congratulate people who have this type of blogs becuase like me, they want to share themselves and display themselves to the world.
As other people, I believe that I had a very peculiar life. I had very good friends and poeple who inspired me who to the date I don't forget. Part of my personality and I believe is natural in me is to have a very big imagination and this is the reason why I believe that writing is easy for me. Through my life I had meet many people who are not able to write and express their feelings or thoughts with anyone and in anyway and I consider it extrange because to me it is something that comes natural from within. Have you meet people like that? Well, I believe that express ourselves define us to be more authentic with others. I like to express myself and share with others how I am. So I congratulate people who have this type of blogs becuase like me, they want to share themselves and display themselves to the world.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Reponer el tiempo To make up time
Reponer el tiempo es realmente duro,
perder y mantener lo que queremos perder es inevitable
reparar lo que ya se ha hehco es imposible
no hay maquina del tiempo que nos lleve de regreso
no hay nada mas que seguir adelante.
To make up for time is really hard,
to loose and to keep what we want to loose is inevitable
to make up for what has being done is impossible
there is no traveling machine to take us back
there is nothing else but to go forward.
perder y mantener lo que queremos perder es inevitable
reparar lo que ya se ha hehco es imposible
no hay maquina del tiempo que nos lleve de regreso
no hay nada mas que seguir adelante.
To make up for time is really hard,
to loose and to keep what we want to loose is inevitable
to make up for what has being done is impossible
there is no traveling machine to take us back
there is nothing else but to go forward.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Este es un pedacito de mi This is a little of me
Esta fuerza dentro de mí
es más grande que yo
es más fuerte que mi voz
es más fuerte que una tormenta.
Esta voz dentro de mí
corre en mis venas
através de mi sangre
através de mi razón.
Esta cosa me hace ser yo
Esta cosa soy yo
me come, me hace, me cambia,
me mueve y me inspira
Esta parte de mí
derrite mi cerebro
derrite mi corazón
y alimenta mi razón
Esta voz me completa
abre mis puertas
alimenta mi carne
profundo hasta mis huesos
esta es mi poesía
mía para compartir y mía para guardar.
"This" force within me
is bigger than me
is lauder than my voice
is stronger than a storm
"This voice" inside me
runs in my veins
through my blood
through my sence
"This thing" makes me, me
"this thing" is me
eats me, makes me, changes me,
moves me and inspires me
"This part of me"
melts my brain
melts my heart
and feeds my sence
"This voice" makes me whole
opens my doors,
nurture my flesh
deep to my bones
"This" is my poetry
mine to share and mine to keep.
es más grande que yo
es más fuerte que mi voz
es más fuerte que una tormenta.
Esta voz dentro de mí
corre en mis venas
através de mi sangre
através de mi razón.
Esta cosa me hace ser yo
Esta cosa soy yo
me come, me hace, me cambia,
me mueve y me inspira
Esta parte de mí
derrite mi cerebro
derrite mi corazón
y alimenta mi razón
Esta voz me completa
abre mis puertas
alimenta mi carne
profundo hasta mis huesos
esta es mi poesía
mía para compartir y mía para guardar.
"This" force within me
is bigger than me
is lauder than my voice
is stronger than a storm
"This voice" inside me
runs in my veins
through my blood
through my sence
"This thing" makes me, me
"this thing" is me
eats me, makes me, changes me,
moves me and inspires me
"This part of me"
melts my brain
melts my heart
and feeds my sence
"This voice" makes me whole
opens my doors,
nurture my flesh
deep to my bones
"This" is my poetry
mine to share and mine to keep.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Después de haber pasado algunas horas buscando blogs interesantes que leer, pues el mío no es tan interesante! Me doy cuenta que habemos muchas personas en este mundo que queremos expresarnos libremente. Encontré unos blogs muy interesantes de personas tal y como yo (personas comunes y corrientes) pero únicos y singulares en tantos aspectos. Eso es lo bueno del mundo web.
After spending some hours searching for interesting blogs to read, because mine is not that interesting! I realized that there are many people in this world who want to express freely. I found very interesting personal blogs from people just like me (common people) but unique and singular in many aspects. This is the good thing about the web world.
After spending some hours searching for interesting blogs to read, because mine is not that interesting! I realized that there are many people in this world who want to express freely. I found very interesting personal blogs from people just like me (common people) but unique and singular in many aspects. This is the good thing about the web world.
Aqui Here
Hoy un dia lluvioso, un dia un tanto deprimido pero un dia mas. A veces me pregunto porque tenemos esta bendicion, la bendicion de tener un dia mas de vida. Me pregunto si es que estoy cumpliendo con el proposito de mi vida, el proposito por el cual esta existencia mia aqui en este mundo lleno de caos y tantas cosas mas. Sera que todos tenemos un proposito? De mi parte creo que he inspirado a alguien a ser una mejor persona, por ejemplo tuve un amigo, un muy buen amigo y recuerdo que siempre le insisti a que continuara sus estudios y que llegara a ser un profesional, he ayudado a las personas cuando han necesitado mi ayuda y espero que eso sea parte del proposito de mi existencia.
Today a rainy day, a little sad day but it is one more day. Sometimes I wonder why we have this blessing, the blessing of having one more day to live. I wonder if I am achieving the porpuse of my life, the porpuse of my existence here in this world fill with chaos and many more things. Would it be that we all have a porpuse? I believed that I had inspire someone to be a better person for example i had a friend, a very good firend and I remember that I always insisted that he would continue with his stuides and become a profesional, I had help people when they had needed my help and i hope that it would be part of the porpuse of my existence.
Today a rainy day, a little sad day but it is one more day. Sometimes I wonder why we have this blessing, the blessing of having one more day to live. I wonder if I am achieving the porpuse of my life, the porpuse of my existence here in this world fill with chaos and many more things. Would it be that we all have a porpuse? I believed that I had inspire someone to be a better person for example i had a friend, a very good firend and I remember that I always insisted that he would continue with his stuides and become a profesional, I had help people when they had needed my help and i hope that it would be part of the porpuse of my existence.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Un nuevo comienzo A new beggining
Hoy empiezo esta parte de mi vida, escribir pues siempre lo he hecho y nunca con un propósito fijo. Posiblemente haya alguien quien lea esto pero quiero hacer publico que escribo puramente las cosas que salen de mi corazón. Siempre he sido una persona que escribe e imagina muchas cosas y hasta hay ocasiones en las que he pensado que si no fuera tan melodramática no escribiera tanta cosa; pero bueno si hay alguien que lea esto posiblemente le llegue a gustar leer las cosas que una persona ordinaria puede llegar a escribir.
Today I start this part of my life, to write because I had always done it and never with a purpose. Maybe there is someone there who reads this but I want to make it public that I only write things that come from my heart. I had always being a person who writes and imagines many things and there are times that I think if I weren't all this dramatic I would not write too many things; but well, if there is someone who reads this maybe you would end up liking the things an ordinary person can write about.
Today I start this part of my life, to write because I had always done it and never with a purpose. Maybe there is someone there who reads this but I want to make it public that I only write things that come from my heart. I had always being a person who writes and imagines many things and there are times that I think if I weren't all this dramatic I would not write too many things; but well, if there is someone who reads this maybe you would end up liking the things an ordinary person can write about.
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