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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Este mundo cibernetico This ciberworld

Bueno, me he perdido y me he encontrado. Me he perdido de este lugar...pero me he encontrado a mi misma en los ultimos meses. Habia perdido mi persona original que con el paso de las decadas se habia envuelto en sus nuevos roles (esposa, ama de casa, hija...etc) pero la escencia de mi persona todavia esta aqui y bueno aunque prometa que seguire escribiendo y no lo cumpla...el haberme encontrado nuevamente es lo mas emocionante que me ha pasado ultimamente!

Well, I had being gone but found myself. I had being gone from this place...but found myself in the last months. I had lost my original self who during the last decades had being involved with new roles (wife, house wife, daughter...etc) but the essence of myself is still here and although I promise that I will continue writing and don't make have found myself again is the most exciting thing that has happened to me recently!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gracias por la visita y comentario en mi blog. El tuyo me parece chilero, es literalmente tu portal de expresión.
